When looking to sell your Lego you will find that many sites give you a price based on the weight of the Lego you have. This is great for getting a quick idea of how much you will receive but I find it’s a bit too simplistic in most cases. The weight of the Lego you have doesn’t account for whether there are complete sets, whether there are minifigures, instructions or boxes. It also ignores the fact that some themes are more popular and therefore valuable than others – a 5kg tub of basic pieces is going to be worth less than a 5kg tub of Star Wars sets and figures. This is why I always ask for pictures of your Lego so that I can make a proper assessment of what it’s worth before I give you a price to buy it. This may take a little more time for you but will ensure you get a better price.
If you’d like me to give you a price to buy your Lego then please see the Sell Lego page.